ActiveBench AI is your smarter recruiting assistant

Unlock your team's potential by automating messaging, job search, document collection, and references so recruiters can stay focused.

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Automates message writing for recruiters and matches candidates to jobs.

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Includes full communications platform with calling, SMS/MMS, and email.

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Handles document upload and collection, consents, and references.

See how it works

Sends skills checklists encompassing a wide range of clinical specialties.

See how it works

Engage by phone, email, sms/mms with candidates instantly

  • Our full communications platform supports calls, SMS, MMS, and email all from one inbox.
  • AI-generated message suggestions maximize candidate engagement and response rates.
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Instantly create candidate portal to send document requests

  • Mobile friendly portal with secure links makes it easy for candidates to upload their documents.
  • Collect resumes, ACLS/BLS, licenses, and custom document types relevant to your organization.
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Receive information, documents, and consents

  • Ask custom questions and create custom consent forms in addition to collecting documents from candidates.
  • Recruiters see candidate progress in real time as they upload documents.
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Send and receive built-in skills checklists from candidates

  • Our checklists cover a wide range of clinical specialties.
  • Our integrated, mobile friendly platform makes completion easy.
  • Candidates complete their checklists from the same portal in which they upload their documents.
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Automatically generate and send candidate references

  • Mobile friendly portal collects reference information from your candidates.
  • The portal then automatically sends references requests for completion.
  • References receive a mobile-friendly link to easily complete the reference on behalf of the candidate.
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Accelerate followups bringing all of the above into a single inbox for recruiters

  • Recruiters can handle phone calls, texting, and emails all from our platform.
  • Document collection, consents, references, and skills checklists are sent from the same inbox
  • Our AI message generation and job matching features are integrated right into the messaging window.
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